Safety AV Fistula Needles

Needle Stick Injuries are injuries caused by accidental penetration of the skin by an injection needle. These injuries can occur at any time when people use, disassemble or dispose the needle. The amount of blood required for transmission of Hepatitis B Virus is 0.00004 ml*.




Features and Benefits:

  • Integrated safety device
  • Effective protection against Needle Stick Injury
  • Ultra-siliconized thin walled sharp needle with beveled back eye for easy  insertion and minimize trauma to the patient
  • Soft and kink resistant medical grade PVC tubing
  • Available with color coded fixed & rotating wings
Product Needle Length Duplex Carton Sterilization Wing
AV Fistula 15 25mm 50 250 E0 Fixed
AV Fistula 16
AV Fistula 17


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