It has essentially the same salt concentration in the powder form (except that Gl. Acetic acid is replaced with dry citric acid) as the regular liquid form dialysis solution in case of Part I. whereas the Part il is the same as that provided with the regular bicarbonate type dialysis solutions
- Less volume, Less freight
- Easy Handling by individual.
- Less cost
- Easy storage
- Less breakage/damage during shipment
- No hastle of storage & disposal of used canisters
- Quality of powder-form is more apparent as compared to already filtered solution form as the final electrolyte concentrations obtained after the reconstruction is essentially the same as that obtained after the proportioning of the liquid form the desired parts.
- More environment-friendly as compared to canisters due to significantly less wastage and of disposal
- More safe as compared to canisters which are used for drinking water and other dinkables
- Use of RO water for mixing makes it mandatory for Dialysis Centre to keep RO plant in good condition, an advantage for patients
- Available in custom formulations & packs
The composition of the powder concentrate is as follows:
PART I : The acid concentrate is composed of the following components in each packet:
Naci 1650,00g KCI:60.00g Cal,: 61.0g MgCl, 37.0g Citric acid 57.0g H,0 Q.S
PART II : The bicarb concentrate pant containing
Na(HCO): 660.0g NaCl: 240.0g
Procedure for use:
Parti I supplied in aluminium pouches.
Part II supplied aluminium pouches of 900g each (2 packs are supplied)
The total contents of Part I are to be dissolved in purified water to make up the
The total contents of part II are dissolved in purified water up to 10lts.
The operator manual of the individual dialysis machine should be followed to obtain the final dialysate
options brased on a compatible concentrate-pair and standard proportioning ratio to give a final solution by mixing 1:1.83:34 parts of part 1: part II: purified water.